
I am Maitre de Conférences (Associate professor) in the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin in DAVID laboratory. I am head of the ALMOST team (algorithm and stochastic models).
Before that, I was:
- ATER in Paris-Sud 11 University in the ALGO team.
- Postdoctoral researcher at University of Toronto, Theory group.
- Doing my Phd thesis under the direction of Arnaud Durand in the Equipe de Logique Mathématique, Paris 7.
Some Research Interests
- Complexity, in particular counting and enumeration.
- Algorithms for graphs, matroids, cheminformatics, networks ...
- Algorithmic game theory.
- Polynomials (sparse or given by circuits), their monomials, roots, degree ...
Current and past students
Phd students:
- Farid Najar. Learning and optimization for logistic.
- Maël Guiraud on optimization problems for sending periodic packets over a network. In collaboration with Nokia Bell-Labs.
- Xavier Badin de Montjoye on strategy improvement algorithms for simple stochastic games.
Master students/internships:
- Tristan Klein: fixed point in fixed dimension.
- Joël Charles-Rebuffe: scheduling of periodic tasks.
- Priscille Daoulas: molecular structure construction.
- Yanis Juglaret on SSGs in restricted graphs.
- Pierre Macherel on models equivalent to SSGs.
- Ruben Staub on computing map isomorphism fast in practice.
I am the organizer of the ALMOST team's seminar. It takes place on tuesday afternoon. Contact me for more information.
How to contact me
Laboratoire DAVID
45, avenue des États-Unis
3rd floor, room 315A
78035 Versailles
E-mail: yann.strozecki "at" uvsq "dot" fr
Phone: +33 (0)1 39 25 43 12